Travis Credit Union will double your donation to Meals on Wheels in Sept.

Travis Credit Union will double your donation to Meals on Wheels in Sept.CONTRA COSTA COUNTY—The Travis Credit Union Foundation’s Community Initiative has offered Meals on Wheels Diablo Region a tremendous opportunity to participate in a $20,000 match. You must make a donation before the end of Sept. to qualify.

If you make a donation to Meals on Wheels Diablo Region through the Travis Fund’s Ways to Give site, Travis will double your gift (up to $20K). This means MOW Diablo Region will deliver twice the amount of meals and services to seniors in need. MOWDR’s Covid-19 response means that they deliver meals to 40% more seniors than before the pandemic. But they still have a waiting list.

Seniors experience food insecurity and loneliness every day, but the pandemic has made it worse. Vulnerable seniors in the community depend on MOW Diablo Region to keep them healthy and safe at home, with dignity.

MOW Diablo Region depends on donors to help continue over 50 years of service as an independent, non-government nonprofit.  And it’s the only Meals on Wheels that delivers meals and services to the entire County.

Please help them meet this match by following these five easy steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down page to words “Donate Now.”
  3. Choose the amount you would like to donate.
  4. Then under the “I want to support” drop down menu choose Meals on Wheels Diablo Region.
  5. Next fill out payment info, then click “Next.” You will then get this message: “Thank you for donating to Travis Credit Union’s Foundation.”
  6. Checks made out to TCUF can be sent to PO Box 1086, Vacaville, CA 9587-9998. Please remember to write Meals on Wheels Diablo Region in the memo.

If you choose MOW Diablo Region, your money will help them immediately respond to this ongoing need.

Learn more about Travis Credit Union on their website.

