Letter to the Editor—Concord isn’t getting good value in affordable housing project

CONCORD, CA―Regarding your article on the “Galindo affordable housing complex,” it seems like the City isn’t getting full value for the taxpayers money. 62 units for $41.5 million works out to over $669,000 per unit. At that price you could buy 62, 3 bedroom, 2 bath single family homes with a nice yard in Concord (per Zillow today). If you look at 2 bedroom condo’s you could buy twice as many units. For high density apartments in a five story building, the price per unit should be much lower. Whether the money comes from local or federal government funds it is all taxpayer money. Whether or not you agree with the City subsidizing housing, the City government should treat it like their own money and do a better job of getting the most for it.

–F. J. Dodd, Concord resident

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