‘Running for My Life’ tells story of Congresswomen during Capitol riot
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (4/7/2021) — “Running for My Life” offers first-hand accounts of what some
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (4/7/2021) — “Running for My Life” offers first-hand accounts of what some
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY—Thanks to the COVID-19 vaccines, theater groups are looking ahead to something other
EAST BAY AREA—It’s Valentine’s Day in San Francisco in the year 1935, and Detective Charlie
Woodminster Summer Musicals, which normally offers elaborate musicals at Woodminster Amphitheatre high atop the Oakland
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY—Even COVID can’t stop local theater, as several companies have managed to create
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY—Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble, which just finished presenting a “Vintage Murder,” an interactive murder
If the hype about the upcoming election or cabin fever are getting to you, try
If you ready to be frightened or thrilled, the Orinda Starlight Village Players has just
The coronavirus may have closed theaters for now, but the indomitable spirit of local thespians
I give thanks every day for the resilience of our local performing artists who refuse