Honoring the quiet heroes

Honoring the quiet heroes
The Pioneer put the spotlight on local heroes such as Carl and Graciela Paul of Detail Garage (Left) and Kathy Gleason (Right) to bring attention to their work helping others in the community.

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Dec. 31, 2021) — There are real heroes walking among us and mostly we don’t even know who they are.

They are the quiet ones, not always the honored ones. They hide among their good deeds.

They reach out to the hurting. They give from the heart whether they can afford it or not. They take out their neighbor’s trash. They clean up the park on their day off.

Or they see someone sick who needs a meal or ride to the doctor. Often they simply respond to a need right in front of them. For others, it’s simply what they do.

Someone like Detail Auto’s Carl and Graciela Paul who support the Monument Crisis Center while holding free car shows and keeping their store running?  Or Kathy Gleason who simply steps up wherever needed to rescue cats and dogs and often, people.

Do you know a quiet hero? Someone who leaves the world better off at sunset than it was at sunrise?

Let us know. Send an email to editor@pioneerpublishers.com with their name and contact info (and yours) — and we’ll take it from there.
