Redistricting process continues in Concord

Redistricting process continues in ConcordConcord, Calif. (Dec. 29, 2021) — The City of Concord will continue its redistricting process at a public hearing on Monday, Jan. 10, 2022 at 7 p.m. At that time, the City Council will receive an update about how the process is going and receive public input. They will also provide initial direction to the demographer on the composition of the draft maps.

The City is interested in receiving feedback regarding “communities of interest.” Populations with common social or economic interests that should be in a single district for fair and effective representation. Feedback can be provided verbally or via email through public comment at the meeting, or through a “community of interest” form located on the City’s Redistricting website. Residents are also invited to submit their own draft maps, which are due by Jan. 18.

Local governments use new data from the U.S. Census to consider whether there is a need to redraw district lines, with the goal being to have each district substantially equal in population. The final map will determine how residents elect their Councilmembers for the next decade.

New Census data

Concord first drew the boundaries for its five districts with community input and adopted them in early 2018. Now that the City has new demographic data from the 2020 Census, the City Council must publicly review these boundaries and consider whether to adjust them. State law requires cities and counties to engage communities in the redistricting process by holding public hearings and doing public outreach.

The City held its first public hearing in November. Since then, it hosted two workshops to provide detailed information about how to use the mapping tools and provide feedback. Links to the tools and additional resources are available at the City’s Redistricting website:

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