Concord City Council Candidates Speak Out On The Issues

CONCORD, CA (Oct. 1, 2022) — Candidates in Concord’s city council and city treasurer elections came together for the Chamber of Commerce forum last Wednesday.
Moderator Tamara Steiner presented each candidate with a series of questions on issues important to Concord residents. The panel of candidates presented their takes on homelessness, police funding, affordable housing, the Naval Weapons Station development and more.
In District 1, Robert Ring and Quinne Anderson are challenging the incumbent and vice-mayor Laura Hoffmeister. Laura Nakamura will go up against incumbent Tim McGallian for the District 5 seat in the November election. Dominic Aliano is running unopposed in District 3 and yielded his forum spot to allow more time for the other candidates.
Two are on the ballot for city treasurer, including Patti Barsotti, the incumbent. Barsotti spoke on several topics at the forum but her opponent, D’Marco Anthony, declined to participate in the forum.
The Chamber of Commerce recorded the event, held at the Concord Council Chamber offices on Sept. 28, with a live audience. You can watch the full forum on the Chamber’s YouTube channel, or here:
Read The Pioneer’s Sept. article which looks at all the Concord City candidates, click here.
Read the unedited responses to The Pioneer’s Concord candidate questionnaire, click here.