Big Treat Blvd. construction project underway in Concord

CONCORD, CA (June 2, 2023) — Construction of the Treat Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Phase 1) – City Project No. 2559 has begun. Phase 1 of the project runs between Walnut Creek City Limits (in front of Carondelet High School) to San Miguel Road.
Project improvements include traffic control, potholing, fiber optic conduit and cable installation for traffic signals, removal and replacement of concrete (curb, gutter, sidewalk, and curb ramps), replacement of sidewalk trees, pavement rehabilitation via full-depth reclamation (FDR) and restriping. Construction is expected be complete by the end of October 2023, weather permitting.
The general work hours are during the day between 7 a.m. and 5 pm. Lane closure hours will be limited to between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the north/eastbound direction (toward Clayton Road) and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the south/westbound direction (toward Walnut Creek) to accommodate peak hours of traffic. There will be temporary lane closures in effect throughout the duration of the project, and delays should be expected.
Regular updates will be provided on the City’s Treat Blvd. project web page.
More Construction
Other major projects are on-going or have begun recently. Learn more about what they entail and what the construction schedules will be by visiting the project websites:
To learn about all construction projects around town, please visit the city’s interactive Capital Improvement Program project map.