Honor your special veteran in the Pioneer

Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is set aside to honor those who are serving or have served in the nation’s armed forces to defend our freedoms. Honor your special veteran with a public message in The Concord Clayton Pioneer newspaper.

Your message will reach 38,500 homes in Concord and Clayton. We will also post your special message on our website, Facebook and Instagram pages.

Your message will appear in the next issue of The Pioneer after we receive your text, photo and payment. Each message cost $69; credit card and Paypal accepted.

To be included in the Nov.  Pioneer, submit your order by Wed. Nov. 6.

Submit your message of up to 410 characters (around 70 words) on the form below. Attach a digital photo; JPEG format preferred, 1MB or larger for proper resolution. If purchasing more than one message, please submit a separate form for each.

If you have any problems with the form or any questions, please email editor@pioneerpublishers.com.


Submit your Veterans message:

    Your name

    Name of the Veteran in the ad

    Military branch

    Your message (limit=150 characters)

    150 characters remaining

    Your email address

    Your phone number

    (Your email and phone number will not be published. It will be used only by Pioneer staff if we need to contact you with questions.)

    Click below to attach a high resolution photo for your ad:

    Click Send below to submit your message and photo, then click Pay for my Pioneer Ad:
