Take weed abatement ­seriously and avoid citation

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY — With the mostly dry winter and the predicted intensity of the 2021 fire season, the fire district is addressing hazards earlier than ever.

We have reviewed and modified our program with the hope of achieving abatement well prior to the dry heat of the summer months. We are asking all of our communities to assist with the prevention of fires by having their properties abated and maintained by May 15 in the Local Response Area of East County and within 30 days of your defensible space inspection in the State Response Area of Marsh Creek and Morgan Territory.

On May 16, we will begin our inspections of those properties known to the district of having annual and reoccurring hazards with an aggressive hazard mitigation plan of removing combustible items. We will also be accepting complaints of properties unknown to the district and will begin the education/enforcement process to have the properties become fire safe.

Time and time again, we have seen the threat fire has on our area. Please take the time now to help us protect our communities.

As always, please be safe, be aware and keep up to date on the district’s activities through our website, social media or attending a monthly fire board meeting.

For more information, please visit the Fire Prevention link at www.eccfpd.org.
