Special concert honors Karen Mangini – and food pantry

CONCORD, CA (Oct. 3, 2023) — The Peace, Love & Hope Benefit Concert offers a dual purpose: to benefit the St. Bonaventure Food Pantry and to honor longtime volunteer Karen Mangini, who died June 17.
The event, which features a good will offering, begins at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15, at St. Bonaventure Church, 5562 Clayton Road, Concord.
“The concert will be uplifting music of peace, love and hope,” says Vicky Farnham. “The Resurrection Choir, the 9 a.m. choir and friends will be performing.”
Launched about 35 years ago, the food pantry is open 8:30-10 a.m. Tuesdays and currently provides food for 120 families.
“It serves a large amount of seniors on a fixed income, families from Ukraine, those with handicaps and more,” says Farnham.
If you are unable to attend the concert, organizers are encouraging donations at https://stbonaventure.net/giving.