So This Happened...June 27 through July 3, 2022

So This Happened…June 27 through July 3, 2022

So This Happened...June 27 through July 3, 2022
Clockwise from Left: 4th of July parades and activities coming up. White Pony Express in Walnut Creek to demonstrate food distribution techniques to entrepreneurs. East Bay Parks presents tips for enjoying our parks during the busy season.

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (July 3, 2022) — With flags waving and children’s faces painted in patriotic colors, residents are gearing up for Monday’s Fourth of July celebrations – with parades and other activities in Clayton, Pleasant and Concord.

But given the drought conditions, the one thing we don’t want to see are illegal fireworks. Therefore, ConFire is urging residents to call 1-833-885-2021 about any incidents.

Meanwhile, columnist Ned MacKay provides tips about how to enjoy East Bay Regional Parks over this long weekend and the Pioneer’s Don Pedro Cruz reminds pet owners about holiday safety.

Non-profit roundup: Sen. Steve Glazer has selected Concord’s Bay Area Crisis Nursery as the 2022 California Nonprofit of the Year for the 7th Senate district. “By providing short-term residential care and emergency childcare for children up to 5 years old, the nursery gives parents time to focus on resolving a crisis or a stressful situation,” Glazer said.

Californians undergoing mental health emergencies will have a new option on July 16, when the 988 phone number launches to route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. To promote 988, students can enter an online art contest “to inform and inspire young people to reach out for mental health resources and support.”

Over at White Pony Express, about 150 people are expected to attend a food distribution program in Antioch on July 7. That will include a contingency from the Mexican Association of Vegan Entrepreneurs, who will receive training on White Pony’s techniques.

And as hunger continues to be an issue in our county, Meals on Wheels Diablo Region is in urgent need of delivery associates to bring meals to seniors.

More stories

Here are some other stories the Pioneer covered in the last week:

Chief Helmick passes the ax as East Contra Costa Fire district annexed by ConFire.

Contra Costa County assessor delivers the 2022-’23 county assessment roll.

Where does Contra Costa fall in state vaccination rankings?

Emergency checklist for pet owners, from first aid to evacuation plan.

What was the biggest news headline the year you were born?

Ben Franklin was accomplished statesman – and early weatherman.

Tried-and-true steps for a kitchen remodel.

Police cruisers attacked during chaotic night of sideshows in Concord and Pleasant Hill

Concord and Clayton police reports.

If you would like to check out past weekly roundups, click here.

Bev Britton
Bev Britton
Copy Editor at The Concord Clayton Pioneer |

Bev Britton graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of North Dakota and moved to the Bay Area with her soon-to-be husband Jim in 1986. She was features editor at the Contra Costa Times in Walnut Creek before becoming managing editor of the Contra Costa Sun in Lafayette in 1995. She retired from newsrooms in 2001, but an ad for the Clayton Pioneer drew her back in. The family moved to Lake Wildwood in the Gold Country a few years ago - but working at the Pioneer keeps her in touch with her old neighborhoods in Concord and Clayton.
