Share your holiday spirit in the Pioneer newspaper

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Oct. 24, 2023) — Happy Holidays from The Pioneer newspaper.

Share the light with your community on the annual HOLIDAY ORNAMENT page of the Pioneer newspaper. Our readers LOVE this page.

Say HAPPY HOLIDAYS with an Ornament Greeting in the Holiday sections of the December issue of the newspaper.

Pioneer Ornament adEach ornament has room for up to 12 words. This can include your name, a small logo or photo and your own greeting to the community.

38,500 homes and businesses in Concord and Clayton receive the paper for FREE. We exist solely on advertising revenue. Please help us continue to be the only reliable source of local news for Concord and Clayton and Pleasant Hill.

Cost is $80. Credit card and PayPal accepted.

Please submit your order to go into the Dec. 8 issue by Wednesday, Nov. 29.

Click here to place your order for a holiday ornament message in the Pioneer.
