Puzzlers share their passion with the Pioneer

Puzzlers share their passion with the Pioneer
Photo submitted by Gail Fitzgerald.

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Jan. 26, 2023) — Our story on puzzling in the Jan. 20 issue of the Pioneer, inspired others to share their own love of the hobby.

Gail Fitzgerald writes: After reading your article about puzzling, I am finishing my 50th plus puzzle since the pandemic started.

I am addicted, work on puzzles a little every day. I donate, trade, save and sell them. My family “enables “me, supplying me with the product as I finish one. Pictures of family made into puzzles and special places dominate.

I would love to trade with Ms Kasper. I only do 500 piece puzzles though. It fits perfectly on my card table.

Holiday challenge

Our own Copy Editor, also shares her recent puzzling experience with a holiday gift.

Puzzlers share their passion with the PioneerThis Santa puzzle was a Christmas gift to myself, after I purchased it on half-price after the holiday last year and carefully stowed it away. However, it was apparently the gift that keeps on giving — as it took more than two weeks of futzing to finally complete it. (I can usually complete a 1,000 piece puzzle in a few days.)

For this “Nightmare After Christmas,”  I even had to resort to doing the edges mid-way through. I usually save them for last and let my husband “help!” Here’s hoping that next year’s “surprise” gift (a street scene complete with Santa train) brings me a little more holiday cheer.

Read more: Putting together the pieces is all part of the game

