Outgoing mayor sees continued collaboration as Clayton moves forward

Clayton Mayor Cw WolfeCLAYTON, CA (Dec. 9, 2021) — Thanks to the Clayton Business & Community Association, local volunteers and the city maintenance crew for decorating our downtown for the holiday season. Everything looks positively festive.

On Nov. 11, a detonation at the CEMEX Quarry sent a shock wave through the city, rattling houses and nerves. While CEMEX is not in the city’s jurisdiction, we have worked with CEMEX to gain insights as to what happened and to ensure Clayton’s safety going forward. You may view CEMEX’s entire response on the city website, www.claytonca.gov.

Our long-time Clayton librarian, Karen Hansen-Smith, is retiring in February. Be sure to stop by the library to wish her well. Thanks for everything, Karen.

This is my final article, as my term as your mayor has ended. It has been my honor to serve you in this position. I have learned a great deal, gained valuable experience and developed relationships, even though, due to the pandemic, all City Council meetings were held virtually and my public engagements were limited. I was, however, able to make some in-person appearances, representing Clayton at two Eagle Scout courts, and at Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, Concerts in The Grove and the Clayton Christmas tree lighting celebration.

I am pleased and encouraged that our fully virtual council meetings continue to be well-attended by the public and that we are now able to have citizens participate virtually, if they wish, when we return to Hoyer Hall. Note that you may always watch the meeting replays on the city website as well. Your ongoing participation is crucial to the important planning and decisions that are yet to come.

My thanks to former Mayors Julie Pierce, Keith Haydon, Howard Geller and the ageless Bob Hoyer for their guidance and support. Also, my appreciation to Vice Mayor Peter Cloven for his availability and openness. Thank you as well to our city manager, Reina Schwartz, for her knowledge and assistance, to our city attorney and city staff for their good work, and to AJ Chippero for his fellowship. Finally, thanks to the Pioneer for making this important column opportunity possible.

Being mayor is like conducting a five-piece orchestra. Each member is an equally talented and unique musician. We make beautiful music together when playing the right notes. I look forward to an ongoing, positive, collaboration among councilmembers and wish all the best to our next mayor.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy new year.

Please direct questions or ­comments to cw@claytonca.gov or 925-673-7324.
