Obituary: Jack Sogomonian, longtime Clayton resident

Obituary: Jack Sogomonian, longtime Clayton residentCLAYTON, CA (Apr. 14, 2022) — Long time Clayton resident Jack Sogomonian, 77, passed away suddenly while on vacation in Florida.

An avid sailor, world traveler, diver, adventurer, friend, father, grandfather and husband, he loved life.

He created Ararat Exterminators and served the needs of the Contra Costa real estate industry during 49 years in business. He was always there to lend a hand and offer advice on home issues to family, friends and strangers.

There was food aplenty where Jack was; his favorites were homemade hummus, labne, baba ganoush, string cheese, pita bread and olives. These foods reminded him of his early years in Lebanon and Syria. He passed along his love of cooking to his son.

Friends were everywhere for Jack, and he welcomed them to his home – even if it was his RV, where he shared generously. With Jack, conversation flowed easily, unless it was politics, then he was strongly opinionated. He loved a good argument.

His daughter commented: “Jack was like a fine wine – he got better with age.” He would have loved that comparison, as he loved fine wines. His stepson got him an inside track to some of Napa’s finest.

Jack will be missed by many, including his son and daughter, granddaughter, stepdaughter and stepson, four grandsons, brother, his loving wife, extended family, friends, bocce team and the Clayton Business & Community Association (CBCA).

The family invites those who knew him to a Celebration of Life noon-4 p.m. May 1 at The Grove Park, 6100 Main St., Clayton. Lunch will be served noon-1:30 p.m.

People can email a favorite memory of Jack, including a picture with him if possible, to Use the subject line: My Favorites of Jack. Send by April 15 to be included in the slideshow.
