Dr. My-Linh Nguyen

New technology for leaky bladder

Dr. My-Linh NguyenIt’s estimated that one in 12 adults in the United States struggles with symptoms of urinary incontinence, yet it remains low on the list of health concerns for which people seek treatment.

It takes an average of 6.5 years from the onset of symptoms until a women with incontinence receives a diagnosis. Incontinence arises due to common factors that are often beyond one’s control, the greatest of which are genetics, childbirth and chronic cough or lifting.

One of the most common types of incontinence is stress urinary incontinence. This differs from urge incontinence, which is the unintentional loss of urine caused by the bladder muscle contracting – usually associated with a sense of urgency.

Stress urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine during activities such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, lifting or exercising. It occurs when the urethral sphincter, the pelvic floor muscles or both of these structures have weakened. Stress incontinence affects one in five females of all ages.

Fortunately, a variety of therapies exist that can help patients gain better control over their urinary function and reduce the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence. Treatments can include behavioral modifications, pelvic floor strengthening, pelvic floor physical therapy, biofeedback and surgery.

The Emsella Chair is a novel option offering a painless, non-invasive alternative for treating stress urinary incontinence. The Emsella therapy helps strengthen weakened pelvic floor muscles that result in urinary leakage due to cough, sneeze, laugh, lift or exercise.

The device uses cutting-edge technology called high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy that triggers rapid muscle contractions in the pelvic floor. These contractions are similar to Kegel exercises but are faster and more intense. Patients remain fully dressed during the 30-minute treatment sessions. Emsella is the only FDA-cleared device that can help treat symptoms of stress urinary incontinence in a non-invasive fashion.

Pacific Urology’s Women’s Center is the first practice in the East Bay to offer Emsella Chair therapy for patients with stress urinary incontinence.

“Mimi” Nguyen is a urogynecologist with Pacific Urology with a clinical focus in female pelvic medicine and reconstruction. She has offices in Walnut Creek, Concord and San Ramon. To schedule an appointment, call 925-937-7740 or visit pacificurology.com.
