Kids on bikes is how it all started

CLAYTON, CA (July 4, 2021) — Kids on bikes and big wheels, dogs in red white and blue, a Main Street lined with flags—these are the symbols of small town America on the 4th of July.

And that was the scene in downtown Clayton this morning when a spontaneous “parade” sprung up in place of the city’s the official parade cancelled because of pandemic constraints.  Undeterred, dozens of Claytonians were downtown for a morning breakfast, baseball in the park and visiting with neighbors.

“The kids on their decorated bikes and wagons are the most important part of the parade anyway,” Clayton resident Marcia Thome remarked on social media. “Good job.”

The little parade harked back to the genesis of Clayton’s July 4 parades when in the early 1970s the neighborhood kids dressed up their bikes and dogs and marched down Main Street to the grove of eucalyptus trees at the corner. Locals provided BBQs and games and the celebration became emblematic of small town, USA.

This morning the restaurants were full, there was baseball in The Grove and spirits were high.

“That our community was still able to pull off a tiny parade of its citizens speaks to how motivated we will be for next year,” said Amy Callaghan.

“Love to see how our little town comes together,” Ed Miller posted. Miller is on the planning commission.

“Happy Independence Day, everyone.”
