Gavel goes to Dave Shuey in Council reorg

council reorg for websiteThe Clayton City Council shifted seamlessly into 2015 last Tuesday when City Clerk Janet Brown administered the oath of office to newly elected council members Keith Hayden and David Shuey; Hayden for the first time and Shuey for the fourth.

After signing the oaths, the two took their seats on the dais and outgoing council member and mayor Hank Stratford addressed the council and the city staff.

Stratford, by nature quiet and somewhat uncomfortable in the spotlight, thanked the city staff and his fellow council members. “I’ve learned something from every one of you, he said. “It’s been an honor to serve the city for eight years.”

As Stratford prepared to leave the dais for the last time, Julie Pierce commended him for his calm, well-considered decision making. “He’s one of the most honorable elected officials I’ve ever worked with.”

Howard Geller has known Stratford since boyhood. He recalled when he “was a ratty little kid washing my car and mowing my lawns, and I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become.”

Shuey has also known Stratford since they were classmates at Clayton Valley High School. “Hank has always done the right thing for the right reason,” Shuey said. “Hank is the leader I’d like to be when I grow up.”

Stratford was a catalyst in the formation of the Do the Right Thing character initiative that has been embraced by the police department, the city and the local schools. “Do the Right Thing” will be Hank’s legacy,” noted Councilman Jim Diaz.

Stratford then joined the audience and the council unanimously elected Shuey mayor and Julie Pierce vice-mayor. It is Shuey’s third time holding the gavel.

Hayden comes to the council having served on the Planning Commission for 16 years. He is a strong supporter of downtown development and was instrumental in the formation of the Ipsen Family Bocce Park. Hayden is a retired attorney. He and his wife Cindy live in Westwood.

Shuey, also an attorney, has been an outspoken supporter of the Clayton Valley Charter High School, both at the inception and during the current turmoil on the board. He lives in Clayton with his wife Shelley and an international household of five children; two adopted from China, one from Russia, and the “bigs,” – their two oldest.
