Find rare and specialty books at the Contra Costa Historical archive book sale May 21

Contra Costa Historical Society book sale presents an opportunity to take home a book from the County Library Vault Collection.

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (May 12, 2022) — Attention history buffs and book lovers. The Contra Costa County Historical Society will hold a book sale on May 21, 2022. This sale will help make space at the County History Center for new archival collections arriving monthly.

You will find rare and specialty books from the vault collections. The County Vault Collection consists of primarily history-oriented books about Contra Costa County, the greater San Francisco Bay Area, and California.

The collection also includes novels, reference materials and biographies, some dating back to the 1880’s. Some books are considered rare. Most books are not county-specific, dealing instead with the S.F. Bay Area, California or western U.S. history. All books have a library marking of some sort (stamp and/or glued insert within the cover).

CCC History Center volunteers have determined the sale consists of duplicates or topics unrelated to Contra Costa history. Their diligent efforts make this sale possible.

What is the County Vault Collection?

  • Free books
  • Rare books
  • Lots of books for $2.00
  • Specialty books $25 + include a canvas CCCHS bag
  • CCCHS logo bags for $5.00

All book purchases will include a letter from CCCHS certifying that these books have been released by the county for sale.

Save the date

Saturday, May 21, 2022
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where? Outdoor in the parking lot adjacent to the history center (724 Escobar St. & 615 Estudillo St.), in downtown Martinez.

For more about the Contra Costa County Historical Society, visit
