Contra Costa SPIRIT Program seeks applicants: Oct. 8 deadline

The Service Provider Individualized Recovery Intensive Training (SPIRIT) program thorough Contra Costa Behavioral Health is seeking applicants for the 2022 session.
SPIRIT is a 9 – unit college course taught in collaboration with Contra Costa College. The course teaches students how to develop core skills to empower themselves by attaining and maintaining recovery and resiliency through self-awareness and peer/family support, while learning to assist others in doing the same. The completion of this class leads to a Certificate.
The comprehensive training and support program is designed for mental health peers (people who receive mental health services) and, family members or caregivers (of adult and children) who want to work or volunteer as Family Advocates or family/parent/peer providers in the mental health field.
Classroom instruction with on the job experience through internships at local behavioral health organizations. The program emphasizes the development of personal recovery skills, educate on peer support and more.
For applications and more information please contact
SPIRIT Peer Co Instructors
• Michael Peterson at or call 925-500-3093
• Janet Costa at or call 925-348-5459
Get the application: click here.