Contra Costa headed into COVID-19 Red Tier by next week

Contra Costa headed into red tier by next weekCONTRA COSTA COUNTY—According to Contra Costa County District 2 Supervisor Candace Andersen, the county may move into the Red Tier of the COVID-19 ranking system by early next week.

The State assigns every county a tier by the State based on its test positivity and adjusted case rate. The State reviews data weekly and tiers and updates them each Tuesday. To move forward, a county must meet the next tier’s criteria for two consecutive weeks.

Contra Costa should move into the Red Tier by September 29 unless the numbers worsen. To qualify for the Red Tier the positive new cases must be 4-7 per 100,000. The positive test rate must be 5-8%.

Andersen says, “Once in the Red Tier, the County must remain there for at least 3 weeks before moving into the Orange Tier. That applies even if the numbers qualify. Currently, they do not, and once we do meet those orange numbers, we’d need to meet the Orange Tier criteria for two weeks in a row.”

Keep up to date

To see all of the up-to-date information and daily statistics for the last 7 days, go to the coronavirus dashboard.

For more information about what is permitted in each tier, please go to

County health officials encourage everyone to get tested. Additional testing will also help move us into the next tier. You should get tested by your own healthcare provider, if possible. However, you can also get a fast, convenient COVID-19 test at no cost to you. Call 1-844-421-0804 or book an appointment online at Test turnaround time is 2-4 days.

For a current list of updated opening guidelines, go to “Openings at a Glance” Document.

For the updated “Most Frequently Asked Questions,” go to updated FAQ’s

