Contra Costa avoids new stay-at-home order…for now

Contra Costa avoids new stay-at-home order...for now
Drive-up COVID-19 testing at Kaiser hospital in Martinez, CA. (Pete Cruz photo)


See update, Dec. 4, 2020: Contra Costa moves to new Stay-at-Home Order starting Sunday night

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (Dec. 3)—California Governor Gavin Newsom announced today that new stay-at-home orders in the state will depend on ICU bed capacity. The orders will resemble those issued last spring, with some modifications.

The announcement sets up new “regions” for the purpose of future stay-at-home orders. The Bay Area region, which includes Contra Costa County, will also extend to Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties (see graphic). The new stay-at-home order will take effect whenever a region’s ICU capacity drops below 15%. Currently, the Bay Area region has enough capacity to avoid the new order, but health officials worry that could change before the end of December. [UPDATE: CONTRA COSTA NOW WILL BEGIN STAY-AT-HOME ORDER SUNDAY EVENING, DEC. 6. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.]

If Contra Costa’s ICU capacity drops below 15%, the new order will bar nonessential gatherings and require people to stay at home except for essential activities such as going to the doctor, grocery shopping or picking up take-out meals. Distanced outdoor exercise such as hiking and biking will be allowed. Outdoor religions ceremonies will also be permitted to continue.

Schools that have re-opened for in-person classes, such as private and charter schools, can remain open. Retail stores can continue operating at 20% capacity.

What would close?

However, indoor recreation, playgrounds, salons, bars, casinos, museums, zoos, aquariums, and movie theaters will have to cease operations. Sports events with live audiences and amusement parks would also get a red light.

A region that reaches the ICU threshold will have two days to comply. The order then remains in effect for three weeks.

According to health officials, these measures are necessary to stop the spread of COVID-19. As of today, December 3, California has 1,264,539 confirmed cases of the virus and 19,324 people have died. Contra Costa has seen 25,147 cases and, as of Dec. 3, 261 deaths. The number of ICU patients due to confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases in California reached a total of 2,147 today. According to the state’s website, Contra Costa now has 55 ICU beds available.

Visit the Contra Costa County website for more information on COVID-19.
