Concord hiker strikes it rich on Mt. Diablo

[Editors Note: We hope you enjoyed our April Fool’s Day story. To read the real local news for Concord and Clayton, click here. Thanks to all our readers who sent us comments and smiles on social media. And thanks for supporting local news.]
CONCORD, CA (April 1, 2021) — A lucky hiker and his 8-year-old son made a surprising discovery while exploring some of Mt. Diablo’s more remote trails this past Sunday. After going off trail to investigate a recent rock slide, the pair uncovered some rocks with thick streaks of a shiny mineral.
They brought a few chunks home and asked a family friend who knows minerals to take a look. Turns out those streaks were actually gold. Based on the weight of the rocks, the gold could be worth more than $100,000.
“This could pay for Evan’s college,” said the overjoyed father. And maybe a badly needed new mini-van for the family. However, an agent from the state’s Department of Parks and Recreation indicated that ownership of the gold has yet to be determined.
The family has hired an attorney to help stake their claim to the golden bounty.
Neither the hiker nor the Parks Department has revealed the location of the find, for fear of a “gold rush” on the mountain.
On Thursday, however, the Pioneer learned that the area where the man and his son had been hiking was somewhere along Green Ranch Road just south of April Fool’s Ridge.