Before graduating, these College Park seniors took a step back to elementary

PLEASANT HILL, CA (May 24, 2022) — Seniors at College Park High School will pick up their diplomas at this year’s graduation ceremony on Thursday. However, last week, one group, took a short step back to their past before moving on.
Students at Gregory Gardens Elementary made a “tunnel of Gators” to welcome the now graduating CPHS seniors. The grads took a walk down memory lane at their old school. There they chatted with the elementary kids and visited former teachers.
The Gregory Gardens kids had a lot of fun asking questions of the grads and helping them celebrate their upcoming big day. The College Park seniors got to be role models for the younger kids. They also had one last chance to hang out on the playground that they are just a bit too big for now.
Congratulations to the College Park’s class of 2022.