Applications now open for Concord Community Academy

Concord, Calif. (Feb. 8, 2024) – The City of Concord is accepting applications for the Spring 2024 session of the Concord Community Academy – a program designed for people who live, work, or own a business in Concord to learn more about the City. Academy participants take part in discussions and activities with fellow community members and meet elected officials and staff to gain insight into how the city operates.
“Not only do you get to network with like-minded residents and have a genuinely nice time together, you learn so much about Concord and where you can get involved,” said Fall 2023 graduate Dena Acosta-Beere. “Every session taught me something new about our city, and the behind-the-scenes access to places like the former Concord Naval Weapons Station and the police department was thrilling. City staff and officials are so lovely and generous, and now I feel I have friends throughout our local government.”
For the Spring 2024 Academy, six classes will be held from April 13 to May 11 and participants must be able to attend all classes. Three classes will be held on Saturdays during the day, while the other three will be held Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. At the first meeting, staff will present an introduction to local government, followed by a bus tour of the city and lunch.
Participants will learn about an array of topics including public safety, the former Naval Weapons Station base reuse plan, economic development efforts, recreation services, public works, budgeting and finance, city planning, and the development review process. The final class on Saturday, May 11 will conclude with a tour of the former Naval Weapons Station, a wrap-up, and a graduation certificate presentation.
The program is free and open to applicants ages 18 years and older who live, work, or own a business in Concord. Space is limited.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 8 at 5 p.m. For more information or to apply online, visit