Letter to the Editor — Turn down the music in your car

CLAYTON, CA (Apr. 28, 2024) — As we navigate our neighborhoods, it’s crucial to remember that our actions impact those around us. One aspect that often goes overlooked is the volume of the music we play in our vehicles. While enjoying our favorite tunes is a pleasure, it’s essential to be mindful of how it affects our neighbors.

Excessive noise pollution from car stereos can disrupt the peace and tranquility of our community. The blaring bass and booming beats may be enjoyable for the driver, but it can be a nuisance for those living nearby.

It’s important to remember that what sounds pleasant inside the car may be disruptive to others outside. Constant exposure to loud noise can lead to stress, anxiety, and even hearing damage. By lowering the volume of our car stereos, we can contribute to a more peaceful and healthier environment for everyone.

In addition to being considerate neighbors, it’s worth noting that California’s Vehicle Code prohibits loud music from automobiles. According to Section 27007, it is illegal to operate a vehicle with sound equipment that can be heard outside of the vehicle from 50 feet.

Toby Gloekler
Clayton resident

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