Concord releases report on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and Repetitive Loss Properties

Concord, Calif. (July 26, 2022) – Since 2007, the City of Concord has participated in the Community Rating System (CRS), which is part of the National Flood Insurance Program, regulated under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). By participating in the CRS, Concord is designated as a class level, which earns a percent discount for all flood insurance policyholders within the City.
The City has completed its annual review of the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) and the Repetitive Loss Properties Report. The report reviews 18 action items, which are identified in the mitigation plan to reduce or prevent flood damage. These annual status reports are one of the FEMA requirements for recertification.
The program rewards communities for following specific floodplain management activities by providing a discount on flood insurance. As part of its participation in the CRS, City of Concord policyholders receive a 20% discount on flood insurance.
Both annual reports are available on the City’s website.
Read Concord’s June 24, 2022 article about this program.