Carlyn Obringer concedes Contra Costa County supervisor race

CONCORD, CA (June 11, 2022) — With 69,000 votes still left to count, Carlyn Obringer conceded the Contra Costa County District 4 Supervisor race in a Facebook post this morning to Debora Allen and Ken Carlson.
“After a great campaign which galvanized our neighbors, working families, and community leaders, we appear to have arrived just short of our goals,” she wrote.
Obringer trailed Allen by only 512 votes in one of the lowest Primary Election turnouts in history. Still unofficial results on Friday show Carlson on top with 27.1% and Allen close behind with 25.6%. Obringer came in a close third with 24.3%. Roxanne Garza and Ed Birsan trailed a distant fourth and fifth with 13.9% and 9% respectively.
In one of the lowest primary election turnouts in history, a mere 18% of those registered to vote did.
For a full wrap up of all local election results, see Peggy Spear’s column in the June issue of The Pioneer coming out this Friday.