Mayor Geller says ‘farewell’ to eight years on the Council

Geller_Howard_for websiteDuring my eight years on the City Council, Clayton traditionally operated with a balanced budget without major issues. With our limited funds and a small retail tax base, it takes frugality and the ability to look at the big picture to protect what our forefathers created for this marvelous small city.

We have faced many challenges over the past eight years, including police department turnover that exceeded the norm, an extended drought wherein trying to maintain public landscaping was a daily issue and the loss of our Redevelopment Agency funds. If that weren’t bad enough, the state – through “claw backs” – has made us pay back money spent on lawful activities using redevelopment funds.

But I am happy to say we have survived it all with balanced budgets.

This year, we added two more solid department heads to the staff: Mindy Gentry as community development director and Chris Wenzel as chief of police. Coupled with our “star” finance manager Kevin Mizuno and city manager Gary Napper, we now have what I consider one of the strongest management teams assembled to serve our community.

Here are some events that will occur this next month:

Election: With Election Day around the corner, we have all been inundated with mailers touting whom to vote for, as well as information about measures and propositions. Our forefathers fought for the right to vote, which many people living in other countries do not have. I encourage all to be well-informed and read all sides and opinions. If you do not vote, you are allowing someone else to make decisions for you.

Veteran’s Day: Concord/ Clayton VFW Post 1525 will host our local Veteran’s Day service at Willow Pass Park at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11. It will be a one-hour ceremony followed by a veterans’ softball tournament.

Thanksgiving: This has always been one of my most enjoyable holidays, with friends and family gathering to eat one of my favorite meals. For me, it’s all about the turkey, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce and apple pie. I wish you and yours a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

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