Relay for Life a moving fundraiser for cancer research

Geller_Howard_for websiteThe Relay for Life will kick off for the sixth time in Clayton at 10 a.m. Aug. 13 at Mt. Diablo Elementary School. Participants and donors from all over the Bay Area join together to make this one of the most successful relays in the state. This 24-hour walk concedes cancer never sleeps and neither will each team, as they walk to stomp out cancer in our lifetimes. The walk takes on a celebratory atmosphere as walkers cheer on those who have conquered a personal battle. Bands play all day long, there’s food to buy and many incredible baskets to win.

The mood turns more somber in the evening as luminaries are lit, remembering those who lost their battle. Everyone’s life is impacted in some by way cancer. The event ends at 10 a.m. Aug. 14.
Join the community for an amazing time as we celebrate, honor and remember those in the fight against this horrific disease.

Clayton Dog Park

Being more than 140 years old in “dog years” (that’s 20 years to you and me), the K-9 Coalition is in need of “new puppies” to aid in management of this free public park off east Marsh Creek Road. Help is also needed with weed abatement and the periodic spreading of wood chips. Under the terms of its creation, this is not a city-managed park although the city does provide plastic bags and empties the trash cans. Please support our four-legged friends by contacting the Clayton K-9 Coalition to help at 925-672-9710 or

In 1995, the Clayton Community Services Commission conducted a survey that listed interest in a potential off-leash dog park. With 61 percent support for such a park, in 2000 the city granted approval of the current dog park site, agreeing to install fencing, benches, a table and waste receptacles in exchange for volunteer maintenance of the site. In June 2005, a group of local residents (the Clayton K-9 Coalition) raised funds to bring potable water to the park at a cost of $15,000.

The Clayton Dog Park has been a huge success, offering pet owners a place to socialize their pets as well as their “owners.” With the benefit of various Eagle Scout projects, it now has several shade trellises and trees, plus new signage and a separate fenced area for smaller dogs.

Planning Commission

With two planning commissioners reaching the end of their term limits and a third not re-applying, the City Council interviewed more than a half dozen applicants and appointed three first-time commissioners: Carl Wolfe, Bassam Altwal and William Gall.

Clayton History

Walking through the Clayton Road pedestrian tunnel aligns your footsteps to inhabitants of our past. The Miwok Indians lived here for thousands of years, adjacent to Diablo and Mitchell creeks with their abundance of steelhead trout and salmon. In 1912, the Keller Ranch, then known as “Casa del Sierra,” was built at this site. There were cattle, sheep and olive trees. The Keller barn used to be located near the Keller Ranch house and was used as a model for the Clayton Community Library. It is hoped someday the city will use the Keller Ranch area behind the library as a cultural center.

Direct comments to Howard Geller at
