Local schools flourish with parent involvement

Shuey headshotWho here remembers that illness that strikes just once in a lifetime, called “senioritis?” Well, if you have a senior in high school you sure know what it is like now as it is reaching its zenith for 2015.
Colleges have given out their acceptances/rejections and seniors are asking the same questions we once asked: “Why does it matter, I got into college?” or “I am going to DVC anyway, so what?” or “I already have a job lined up so grades don’t matter.”
Well, I don’t remember my parents having good answers to those questions and I certainly struggle myself to answer them, but Clayton Valley Charter High School just this week had meetings with its seniors to stress the importance of staying in school these last few months, so hopefully they helped us out.

As to CVCHS, the graduation rate has increased from a pre-charter rate of 83 percent to 96 percent as a charter school and college admissions rates increased significantly, as approximately 95 percent of graduates are admitted to college. I know the school is trying to herd their senior cats and obtain a list of all the colleges where students have been admitted, and I for one would love to know where our kids are going so hopefully that can be published when obtained. The school’s AVID program also recently received a “promise to graduate” $1,500 grant.
In other local school news, Mt. Diablo Elementary just had another successful western-themed auction put on by the wonderful parent faculty club. The money raised will help pay for enhancing student learning: technology, reading intervention, recess equipment, enrichment assemblies and programs, educational math and reading software, the Science Fair and PEP.
Diablo View Middle School just raised $5,000 through their “Walk for Water” journey to show kids what it would really be like to walk 10 miles just to get water. The proceeds will go to build a well in a small village in Ghana. Their Career Day was another huge success with more than 35 speakers from all walks of life.
Mt. Diablo Unified School District is conducting spring community meetings on the District’s LCAP (local control accountability plan) and implementation of the Common Core standards. Go to the MDUSD website and find the meeting that works for you and give your input to help our schools.
Research has proven that high parent involvement and community support for schools correlate to higher student achievement. Clayton parents clearly get this and thanks to all you for the great support for our schools and kids. It takes a village and that village is Clayton.
Finally, our Grove Park improvements should be completed with renovations to the play structure and water feature, just in time for our Concerts in the Grove to start on May 9. Dust off the lawn chairs, look up those appetizer recipes and get ready for another great year.
In honor of our upcoming music in the park, “What will you never say about a banjo player? That’s the banjo player’s Porsche.”  Email me at dshuey@ci.clayton.ca.us.
