New mayor gives thanks for Clayton

Shuey headshotAs we round out 2014 and head into 2015 there is a lot to be thankful for in Clayton.

First, thank you to all who voted in the November election. Despite common pessimism, your vote does matter and you overwhelmingly voted to renew our downtown park revenue for the next 20 years, ensuring our beautiful park will remain the centerpiece of downtown.

In addition, you voted me back in for which I am grateful (on most days) and elected Keith Haydon. Keith has a long track record of service to the community and will be a valuable addition. Great job Clayton and welcome Keith. As for me, you will have to put up with my wit and wisdom (or lack thereof) for another four years.

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to eight-year councilman and mayor, Hank Stratford. I have known Hank since high school and without doubt he is the true embodiment of a servant leader. We have benefitted greatly from his moral compass and leadership. We say goodbye and thanks to Hank on the council, but hope he continues to be a force in our community.

We can be thankful that Clayton Valley Charter High School has been granted a five year re-authorization from the county and we look forward to continued improvement and innovation in the education of our high schoolers!
Let’s continue to give thanks to our own Clayton Business and Community Association, which year after year gives back its members time and money to the community. Almost 200 members strong, they can always use enthusiastic new members who want to give back to this community and also get to know a great group of friends. Go to

We are thankful that Clayton has continued to weather the recession and money grabs from the state and that our employees provide wonderful service to the community. Our police force is back at full strength, with some great new additions and returning officers who are testament to how great our department is. We also recently ranked the #2 Safest City, so bravo to all. Our miscellaneous employees continue to provide great service on a shoestring budget and with a smile. Our city manager continues to run a well-oiled machine and likes us enough to continue to turn down constant job offers in bigger cities, a testament to his love for our small town. Great job to all and thanks!
As we move into 2015, we can expect (but hope against) issues that come up that may threaten our idyllic life and potentially divide our city. Let’s all remember that we are neighbors first and we can differ on issues without rancor and getting personal. As a city we will continue to thrive. Reach me at

Finally, for those that remember, I like to close with humor to make it clear I don’t take myself or this position too seriously. In honor or sadness of my first bifocals, “Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses.”
