Why are trash inspectors looking into Concord bins?

Trash inspectors may be looking into your bins in Concord
Pete Cruz photo

CONCORD, CA (Dec. 11, 2022) — California law SB 1383 requires local jurisdictions to monitor contamination and proper sorting of waste by performing annual route audits.

Beginning this month, an inspector from Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery (MDRR) may be in your neighborhood performing “lid-flips.” They will look into collection carts at both residences and businesses.

MDRR is only looking for proper sorting of materials. They also may leave outreach information on your carts, including a “Good Job” or “Oops” tag, with helpful tips and suggestions.

MDRR will NOT be: 1) imposing any fines; 2) taking photos of the contents of the carts; 3) touching materials in the carts; or 4) dumping the contents of the cart.

For information about proper sorting, please visit the MDRR website.
