Want to help out the East Contra Costa fire fighters? Here’s how

Want to help out the East Contra Costa fire fighters? Here’s how
Fire hand crew working off of Marsh Creek Road at the Deer Zone Fire. Photo by Rosie Silva of the Silva Family Ranch.

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY—East Contra Costa Fire Protection District has had many generous community members asking what they can do to help out or to show their appreciation to the hard-working fire fighters. They greatly appreciate the food they have received. However, they are asking that donations be directed to those who are being directly affected by the fires.

The American Red Cross is helping evacuated residents find temporary hotel rooms. If you’d like to support them, please donate at:


Livestock evacuation

If you would like to support a local organization that is evacuating horses, livestock and other animals, please donate to Hold Your Horses Livestock Emergency Evacuation Response Team: https://holdyourhorsesevac.com/

If you would like to support your East Contra Costa Firefighters Association and their charitable programs, you can reach them at eastccfa@gmail.com. You can mail checks to

ECCFA, 201 John Muir Parkway, Brentwood, CA 94513.

Or to their Venmo account at ECCFA
