Tree Lighting starts countdown to Christmas

Tree Lighting-Photo_for websiteThe townsfolk bundled up in scarves, jackets and mittens and braved the frigid night air for the annual Clayton Tree Lighting festivities on Dec. 7. The evening started with horse-drawn carriage rides through town before the crowds gathered in The Grove for holiday greetings from the mayor and a short concert by an exuberant Mt. Diablo Elementary School Choir.

Then, Santa, who arrived in Clayton’s vintage police car driven by Chief Thorsen, leads the “parade” down Main Street to the official tree. After an off-key verse or two of Jingle Bells, the enthusiastic crowd counts down, Santa pulls the switch and the skies light up. Then, it’s a quick stop for cider and socializing at the Clayton Community Church before heading home.

The Tree Lighting is sponsored by the Clayton Business and Community Association.

The carriage rides, sponsored by Stephanie Lopez, Leigh Klock, the Moresi Family and the P2C Foundation, have become a staple in this tradition-loving town.

See page 3 of the Dec. 20 issue for more Clayton Christmas photos.


