‘Dreamers’ a history lesson that bears repeating
(Jan. 27, 2023) — “Dreamers of the Day” is as bright and new as when
(Jan. 27, 2023) — “Dreamers of the Day” is as bright and new as when
(Dec. 11, 2022) — Millions of people read Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” this time
(Sept. 22, 2022) — I am not horsing around when I tell you that this
(August 23, 2022) — For all you mystery-thriller fans who love Lake Tahoe and Todd
(June 26, 2022) — I cannot think of an Anne Tyler book I have not
(May 24, 2022) — “Wonder Dogs” is both memoir and business, which might make readers
“Circle Way” makes numerous local connections. Many long-time readers may remember Bill Hogan, the San
Like most of her work, Mary Gordon’s “Payback” comes packed with her philosophically emotional ingredients.
Janet Costa Bates’ “Time for Bed, Old House” is a gem of a book for
Georghia Ellinas’ picture book retelling of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a one-of-a-kind recommendation.