State-of-the art library just one of many things on deck in Pleasant Hill

Michael G. Harris, Pleasant Hill MayorPLEASANT HILL, CA (Jan. 23, 2022) — I’m honored to be this year’s mayor of Pleasant Hill.

As we move into a new year with plenty on the horizon, I want to take a moment and talk about the year that has just passed before turning our sights on the one to come.

Despite the limitations placed on us by COVID-19, 2021 was a year with many accomplishments in Pleasant Hill.

We celebrated our 60th (diamond) anniversary, with the Civic Action Commission treating the community to a number of fun activities to help us commemorate this milestone. The anniversary year concluded in November with our first community event, Light Up the Lake. Hundreds turned out to City Hall to enjoy music, dance and storytelling before we launched 600 luminaries on the lake. It was an amazing and beautiful sight.

Diversity was a keyword in Pleasant Hill in 2021. The city held online Community Conversations to discuss social justice as it pertains to specific sectors of the community, including the Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Jewish communities. We are kicking off the 2022 series by discussing issues facing the LGBTQ+ community.

Because of the importance of recognizing issues of diversity, the City Council created a new Diversity Commission. The commissioners have hit the ground running, working to have the city participate in the United Against Hate Week. I am excited to see what ideas and plans they come up with in the new year.

Planning for the city’s future was a main focus in 2021, as we embarked on updating the 2040 General Plan, including an updated Housing Element. We held several Town Halls throughout the year to keep residents up to date on the process and seek input into where we are going. This process will continue in 2022.

New library

Looking ahead to the year to come, we are excited to see the culmination of years of work as we complete construction of the new Pleasant Hill Library. The city has been working on this $24 million project since 2017, and we will finally see it come to life later this year. The new building is on five acres donated by Contra Costa County and was made possible through Measure K funding. Watch for announcements about a grand opening this spring.

We are also looking forward to the return to one of our favorite outdoor programs, Sunset by the Lake. This fun summer music series had to be postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions, but we are hopeful for a return and the planning has already started.

Our Economic Development team is also moving forward with plans and programs to help keep businesses alive and vibrant in Pleasant Hill. We know all businesses have been challenged with finding new ways to function during this pandemic, and we hope to provide some assistance on the road to a post-pandemic life.

While we are looking to the day when we can say we are post-pandemic, the City Council and city staff continue to work to provide the safest environment we can for both our community and our staff.

It has been a tumultuous and, at times, challenging year, but we are confident that the road ahead is a brighter one. We anticipate that 2022 will be filled with new milestones and great successes.

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