So This Happened… Week of Dec. 20 through 26, 2021

So This Happened... Week of Dec. 20 through 26, 2021
(Left half of image) Local teachers get grants to help out in the classroom. (Top right) Family gets a new car from Mike’s Autobody giveaway. (Bottom right) Outdoor escapes into East Bay Parks for the New Year.

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Dec. 26, 2021) — As we get ready to head into the new year, COVID-19 and the Omicron variant remain top of mind for many.

That’s why Contra Costa County health officials recommend everyone get a booster shot – or the original Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, if you’re behind the curve already.

Californians must also wear masks when mandated, although Contra Costa continues to allow some people to unmask in selected indoor settings. “The limited exceptions we made are for very low-risk scenarios where everyone is vaccinated,” noted Dr. Chris Farnitano.

Speaking of getting a boost: Eleven Mt. Diablo Unified School District teachers got a financial shot in the arm, courtesy of the Diablo Vista chapter of the California Retired Teachers Association. “Some of the requests are so simple, like a white board or printer toner, and others are relevant to the community the teachers serve,” said Diablo Vista vice president Lorraine Osborne. “It is so difficult to choose the projects among all the applicants every year. And we wish we could grant them all.”

More stories

Here are some other stories the Pioneer covered in the last week:

Adding four more to the tally, Mike’s Auto Body gives away 100th car.

Welcome the new year at East Bay Parks, from farm walkabouts to King Tide watching.

Resolve to start – and finish – a design project in 2022.

Three arrested at Concord DUI checkpoint, plus the latest Concord Police arrest report.

Each week, the Concord Clayton Pioneer posts a summary of our news stories called “So This Happened…” If you would like to check out past weekly roundups, click here.

Bev Britton
Bev Britton
Copy Editor at The Concord Clayton Pioneer |

Bev Britton graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of North Dakota and moved to the Bay Area with her soon-to-be husband Jim in 1986. She was features editor at the Contra Costa Times in Walnut Creek before becoming managing editor of the Contra Costa Sun in Lafayette in 1995. She retired from newsrooms in 2001, but an ad for the Clayton Pioneer drew her back in. The family moved to Lake Wildwood in the Gold Country a few years ago - but working at the Pioneer keeps her in touch with her old neighborhoods in Concord and Clayton.
