Small collections take center stage at museum

Museum_Renee Wing for websiteThe Clayton Historical Society and Museum exhibit “A Collection of Small Collections” features 12 groups of artifacts and archival materials relevant to life in the Clayton Valley.

It includes mortars and pestles, fragments of old bottles and pottery shards, photos of downtown historical buildings and spectacular local wildlife as well as pioneering family portraits.

The displays include a collection of business cards from the Rhine family which chronicle Maurice Rhine’s successful career as an engineer and businessman, tools from the Manuel Nunez Ranch in Morgan Territory and a bureau and nail care travel set donated by Marie Larson, granddaughter of early Clayton settlers Fredrick and Elizabeth Frank. Pyralin, a type of celluloid, is an early plastic dating from the 1920s.

These items enrich the body of knowledge about our town and its former and current inhabitants.

The exhibit presents items not of great monetary value, but rather modest mementos of historical, cultural and sentimental value. These are simple artifacts of everyday life, and that is what local history museums are all about.

The exhibit includes information about the contributors who made the displays possible through their generosity, for they are an integral part of the picture.

An opening reception will take place 5-7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2. Light refreshments will be served at the free event. The museum is at 6101 Main St., Clayton.

For more information, call the Clayton Museum at 925-672-0240 or Renee Wing at 925-212-0940.
