Safe Clayton says farewell to chief

Shuey headshotCongrats Clayton, we have been ranked as the third safest city in California by Value Penguin. While not sure where the rankings are from Value Blobfish, we will take what we can get. We had the lowest number of violent and property crimes overall and only Hillsborough and Imperial City ranked higher.

That’s one of the reasons that it is with sadness that we accepted the resignation of our Chief of Police Chris Thorsen as he moves on to Oakley to start up their first-ever Oakley Police Department. (They previously contracted with the county sheriff’s department). The chief previously worked in Oakley for the sheriff’s department and could not turn down this opportunity, but we are sorry to see him go. Thanks for the service, Chief Thorsen. We are actively looking for a new chief now and also an interim chief if necessary. Stay tuned.

Pet peeves of the month: Plastic bags and dog waste. Soon we will all need to use recyclable bags at the grocery store if the law stands up to the bag manufacturer’s intense opposition. However, in the meantime, I am continually in Safeway and see people take the plastic produce bags and put various fruits and veggies in that really don’t need to be in a bag. I see one apple or one cucumber go in a bag and quickly 10 to 12 bags are being used every time. If you don’t need to put it in a bag (you would still wash it at home anyway) just put it in your cart loose and then in your recyclable bag. My kids, your kids and their kids will thank you in the future for doing what you can to save resources.

As to dogs, as the weather gets better more and more people are using our top-rated trails and more and more people seem to be forgetting there is a requirement that if you take your dog out for a walk they must be on a leash and you must clean up after they do their business. Why do I, my kids and others have to step in your pet’s waste? And just because they go a few feet off the path does not mean you are off the hook because kids (and some rambunctious adults) do go off road at times. So pretty please pick up after your dog and keep our trails as best as they can be.

More trashy news. Speaking of trails and waste, we are looking at potentially adding more trash cans in certain places along the trail system to help people pick up after themselves. If you want to be immortal and have your name on a sponsored trash can, contact Clayton City Hall and explore the waste opportunities.

Remember to attend our Concerts in the Park, and finally, in honor of dogs and to keep it topical, Rodney Dangerfield’s dog was named Egypt because he left a pyramid in every room. Or, what happens when it rains cats and dogs? You can step in a poodle. Email me at
