Pleasant Hill remains ­focused on the future

From the Desk of Sue Noack, Pleasant Hill MayorPLEASANT HILL, CA (Oct. 14, 2021) —Thanks to the Pioneer for expanding your coverage area to include Pleasant Hill.

We were so sad to lose the Community Focus but so happy we can now look to the Pioneer for local events and information.

As we begin to come out of this pandemic, I want to reflect on the many bright spots in our community. We had community members step up to keep our community safe, informed and engaged – from teens leaving positive chalk messages to neighbors shopping for those who couldn’t leave their homes and those who engaged the community through social media. I also want to thank the health-care professionals, essential workers, teachers and first responders.

We had so many businesses, especially restaurants, that had to pivot to takeout and later to outdoor dining. I know they all want to thank the community for continuing to support them. The city was able to provide some support for restaurants and retail operations, and we hope to develop ways to assist our economy in recovering. We have all learned to adapt, and we have proven to be resilient.

From a city perspective, we were fortunate. As a result of early cost-saving measures and smaller than expected losses in sales tax revenue, the city’s financial position remains strong.

The city took advantage of the reduced traffic to get some street work done, including Pleasant Hill Road, Monticello and repaving roads between Gregory and Boyd. Our online permit process enabled work to continue to be done. And we were able to start construction of our new library, with a grand opening expected mid-2022.

Pandemic hiatus

Our 2040 General Plan process took a hiatus early in the pandemic but has restarted in recent months. This process will continue in conjunction with the development of our Housing Element.

We want to encourage everyone to get involved so that our General Plan reflects the wishes of our community. We will be hosting a Town Hall meeting focusing on the Housing Element on Oct 27.

During the pandemic, issues involving diversity and inclusion became front and center. We are committed to making Pleasant Hill a welcoming community for all, as evidenced by the Community Conversations put on by the Diversity subcommittee of the Civic Action Commission. These Community Conversations will continue with one focused on LGBTQ+ scheduled for Oct. 20.

To ensure the broadest focus on this topic, a new Diversity Commission has been formed. I am excited to see what evolves from this group.

Pleasant Hill is a community that loves its small-town feel. As we continue to emerge from this pandemic and go about our daily lives, please keep this in mind. Keep an eye out for each other, extend a hand, make new friends and stay safe.

Contact Mayor Noack at ­
