New mayor seeks input from you

Stratford Hank websiteHello Clayton! This is my first column as your new mayor, and I would like to start it by honoring my predecessor.

We are fortunate to have Julie Pierce in our city. She has served Clayton well as mayor five different times over the years, including this past year. Thank you, Julie, for all of the time and energy you devote to Clayton and our region.

I am honored to serve as mayor. I admit that the office makes me a little nervous and I hope to serve the community in a meaningful way this next year.

How can I help you, or your family, or your neighborhood? I hope that you will offer suggestions on how I and/or the city can help you. I realize that our resources are limited and that there always seems to be myriad reasons why something can’t be done, but it is helpful to hear your thoughts and ideas.

As for this column, I will try to write about those things that are of interest to our community. I welcome (maybe even beg for) your questions or suggestions for the column.

Doing the Right Thing

Our schools – Mt. Diablo Elementary, Diablo View Middle School and Clayton Valley Charter High School – have each implemented our community character initiative, “Do the Right Thing.” For the months of November and December the focus is on the character trait of Kindness. This seems to be an easy time of year to witness and perform acts of kindness. I hope that we can be a little kinder to those around us.

Have an enjoyable and safe Holiday Season. Feel free to contact me at
