Meet ARF stars Perry and Panda

ARF pets Perry and Panda
Meet ARF pets Perry and Panda

Eight-year-old Perry is a quirky, laid-back older dude who loves to explore. He especially enjoys mellow, meandering walks around town, and when he’s at home, he likes to unwind in a comfy spot with a tasty rawhide chew. Perry has a positive history with other dogs.

The adoption fee for puppies <6 months is $300, for adult dogs is $250, and includes a discount on the first six-week session of a manners class.

One-and-a-half-year-old Panda is a cute and social kitty who is full of life. She is a chatty girl who loves to tell you all about her day, and also happy to hear about yours. What a sweet and active girl Panda is. She is sure to brighten up your household, and would be best in a home where she has lots to do! She likes laps and attention, and playtime with wand toys.

The adoption fee for kittens <6 months $125 ($200 for 2) and for adult cats is $75 ($100 for 2).

Meet your forever friend at Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation, 2890 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, during adoption hours: Noon to 6 pm Wednesday & Thursday, Noon to 7 pm Friday, and Noon to 6 pm Saturday & Sunday.

Would you like to be part of the heroic team that saves the lives of rescued dogs and cats? Can you share your talents to connect people and animals? ARF volunteers are making a difference! For more information see our website,, or call (925) 256-1ARF.
