Meals on Wheels Diablo Region working through power shutoff ‘as long as possible’

Meals on Wheels Diablo Region working through power shutoff 'as long as possible'Walnut Creek, CA — Meals on Wheels Diablo Region (MOWDR) announced today that they will continue to deliver meals as long as possible throughout the proposed safety power outage planned for areas of Contra Costa County. The Public Safety Power Shutoff is currently scheduled to begin at noon on Wed. Oct. 9. (See Pioneer story for details)

“We will continue regular deliveries unless our kitchen in Antioch is affected, said Nancy Raniere, Nutrition Services Division Manager for MOWDR.

Volunteer drivers are advised to pick up meals at their regular pick up sites until further notice.

If meal delivery is interrupted, clients are encouraged to utilize their emergency packs which contain enough food for six meals.

MOW staff will be onsite if the power goes out and may be reached at 925.937.8311.

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