MDUSD holds June 24 hearing seeking input on district elections

MDUSD invites families, students, community and business leaders as well as other stakeholders to attend a public hearing that will provide the public an opportunity to provide input on the composition of trustee areas for by-trustee area elections.

The district is moving to a by-trustee area system in alignment with the California Voting Rights Act, discouraging district-based elections. The city of Concord made the same conversion for city council elections last year.

The 7 p.m. hearing next Monday, June 24, is part of a statutory process for establishing a by-trustee area elections system. Under this model, MDUSD will be organized into five individual trustee areas. Previously, trustees were elected by voters of the entire district. In the new process, trustees will be elected by the voters living within the trustee’s respective area.

Input gathered from the public during hearings will help determine the criteria used by a demographer in drafting the new trustee area maps.

The meeting is at the Concord district offices at 1936 Carlotta Dr. in the main boardroom. Translations from English to Spanish and American Sign Language will be available upon request.

Information about the process is available at
