Letter to the Editor — Reader disagrees with assertions about LGBTQIA+ rights

CLAYTON, CA (Dec. 8, 2023) — In his November “All the Colors” column, Jonathan Lee mistakenly assumes that all LGBTQIA+ communities have the right to choose whom they will serve, while denying anyone else who may not agree with them those same rights. This in fact and practice is illegal discrimination.

Lee is in error. Religious bigotry is not protected by the U.S. constitution. As written in the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

The Supreme Court upheld the rule of law – protecting everyone. The right to practice religious beliefs is protected. Perhaps the LGBTQIA+ community needs educating to stop shooting themselves in the foot with their own “bigotry.”

Everyone has the right to lawfully engage in practicing their belief system under this protection – even them. Unless they want to regulate everyone (except themselves) by dictatorial fiat, thereby denying everyone else freedom and equality.

There is no crime in being LGBTQIA+. However, by his tone, it seems Lee would welcome the idea that those who simply disagree with the LGBTQIA+ viewpoint be indicted of a punishable crime.

Michael Gibson, Clayton

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