Letter to the Editor — Misinformation and Lies in my Mailbox

CLAYTON, CA (Oct. 16, 2024) — Dear Editor, When I picked up my mail today, I was appalled at what I found.  In amongst the circulars was a card addressed to Dear Neighbor.  It went on to spew misinformation and lies about Holly Tillman.

I found it fascinating that a group of people would spend their time and money to take pieces of information OUT OF CONTEXT and send it to me under the guise of being my Dear Neighbor.  You are not my dear neighbor.  You are someone who wants to influence unsuspecting people; you want Claytonians to base their decision on your slick flyer with untruths.

The truth is, Holly stands up for what is right. Holly stands up for anyone who is being wronged – no matter their race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic standing – Holly is willing to fight the fair, just fight for everyone.  To represent her otherwise, is as your flyer puts it: Divisive, polarizing, contentious, disruptive, and definitely misleading.  You are the untrustworthy figure you claim she is, and you are definitely not my “dear neighbor.”

Elizabeth Abbott,
Clayton resident.

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