Letter to the Editor — Defending MDUSD Teacher

PLEASANT HILL, CA (Oct. 10, 2024) — I’m writing to express my concern over College Park High School Removal of a respected teacher, who has dedicated over 30 years educating our students. This decision, prompted by unfounded allegations of racism, not only undermines the integrity of our education system but also disregards the countless positive impacts this teacher has had on generations of learners.

It’s alarming to see management prioritize an unsustained claim over the years of commitment and service this teacher has shown. It seems the decision to remove him is not based on his actions or charter, but rather on a desire to fit a specific narrative that does not reflect the reality of his contributions.

Let us advocate for a fair and THROUGH investigation and ensure that our teachers are not dismissed based on hearsay. They deserve our respect, understanding and support. We must ensure that our school remain a place where educators are supported, not unjustly targeted!
I urge our community to stand together in defense of those who dedicate their lives to teaching.

Darcy Matthews
Pleasant Hill

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