Just 10% more helps make our community great
CONCORD, CA (Feb. 28, 2024) — We all have friends with whom we sit and commiserate about the things happening around us.
We share how upsetting the unhoused crisis has become, the growing expenses for gas, college, food, entertainment, all of it. Do not forget the complaints about too much texting, Facebook, TV, TikTok and a lack of socializing amongst us all.
I know I have gone down those paths these last few years, jumping on the “woe is me” train for everything – whether it’s in my control or not. This needs to change.
I have lived my entire lifetime in Concord, and I love this town. Most people put in hard work, day-in and day-out, to live here and be part of the Concord community.
I know people who car commute, ride BART, walk to work, fly to work and work from home. I know people who work for the water district, PG&E, police, fire, hospitality, medical groups, and the state, city and county. I know realtors, mechanics, bankers, chefs, servers, head brewers, retired folks and unemployed people. Chances are I know someone in about every type of business in Concord, or I pretend that I do.
But no one I know comes close to my good friend Matt. This guy is a stud: pile driver, welder, bridge builder, desalination plant builder. He can fix anything and gives tireless hours as a volunteer doing all the right things for his community and family. And, oh yeah, he has four kids ranging from teen to one year and a wonderful wife. Man, do they do it all. Those of you who know Matt and his family know exactly what I mean.
If you go up to Matt and start to complain about Concord, your life, how demanding work is, your commute, laundry, expenses – just about anything – his answer will be: Just give 10% more every day. Let that sink in.
That additional 10% can do a lot. It can give you time to attend a City Council meeting, help the community pool, volunteer at one of the many organizations in Concord, coach your kids sport, do some self-care, pick up trash on a street by your house, shop for a neighbor or roll up their trash cans.
It does not necessarily cost any more money – it is just pitching in for the entire Concord community and yourself.
If you already give that 10%, we all appreciate it. This is the time for all of us to work together, step up, smile at each other and be courteous to your server. Whether you are new or have been here for a long time, Concord people stick together and try to give that 10% to help keep Concord the best city in Contra Costa County.
Do not forget that when you are out shopping, stay in the Concord ZIP code so we all can benefit from your spending. Heck, our sales tax is almost 10%. Let that sink in.
Contact the chamber in person at 2280 Diamond Blvd. Suite 200, Concord, or call 925-685-1181. Learn more about what the chamber offers businesses, our events and how we can work together at concordchamber.com.

Kevin Cabral
Kevin Cabral, President/CEO of the Concord Chamber of Commerce, has decades of leadership experience locally, he sits on the Concord Police Chief’s Advisory Committee and is a board member for Community Alliance for the Future a local non-profit organization. Kevin is married with two adult children who live locally in the Bay Area. A Concord native, Kevin is passionate about giving back to the community where he has lived his entire life.