High turnout for survey on COVID and the homeless
CONCORD, CA — Setting an 11-year record, 603 people took the survey to date. Thank you, folks, for your interest.
The first half of the survey dealt with COVID and vaccines. I will talk about the second part, on homeless issues, in the next edition.
1. Will you get the COVID vaccine when it is available to you?
67 percent, yes – I already got it.
16, yes – as soon as I’m allowed.
2, yes – but I’ll wait up to three months to see what others’ reactions are.
2, yes – but I’ll wait up to six months to see what others’ reactions are.
4, maybe – I have to think some more about it.
6, no – it’s not for me.
4, no way – and I would advise others not to get it.
2. Should businesses be allowed to require vaccines for employees in general and/or for specific job types?
53 percent, yes.
30, no.
11, not sure.
6, other. Most common answers: Depends on the job and is that even legal?
3. Should city government require vaccinations for fire/police/public workers?
62 percent, yes.
28, no.
7, not sure.
3, other. Mixed no for medical reasons, or extent of public contact.
4. Should bus and BART riders be required to wear masks?
77 percent, yes.
15, no.
4, not sure.
4, other. Common answer: Only until herd immunity
5. Do you think proof of vaccination identifications should be a requirement to attend City Council or any government public meetings in the future?
30 percent, yes.
48, no.
15, not sure.
7, other. Most common: No, but people should wear masks.
6. Do you think proof of vaccination identification should be required for international travelers coming to the U.S.?
59 percent, yes – for everyone.
12, yes – for everyone who is not a U.S. citizen.
19, no.
7, not sure.
4, other. Common answer: Require an instant test.
7. Do you personally know someone who has died from COVID?
20 percent, yes – one.
12, yes – two or three.
4, yes – more than three.
59, no.
3, not sure.
1, other. Common: Heard of someone but not someone personally known.
8. If the COVID eviction restrictions are removed, will you (or someone you know) be at risk for eviction from their home?
3 percent, yes – me.
1, yes – me plus 1-3 people I know.
1, yes – me plus more than 3 people I know.
20, no – but people I know will be.
69, not me or anyone I know.
8, not sure.
2, other. Most common was pro landlord along lines of they should have paid their rent.
9. Do you believe that the danger of the COVID pandemic was overstated?
25 percent, yes.
64, no.
7, not sure.
4, other. A range from it was man-made in China to not at first, but now it is.
10. Do you believe that government decisions on COVID restrictions for the past year have been primarily based on science or politics?
26 percent, science.
28, politics.
42, some of each.
1, neither.
2, not sure.
Comments were all over the field, including it’s a hoax to people do not know what science is.
11. Do you think that Gov. Newsom should be recalled?
4 percent, yes – based mostly on his handling of COVID.
25, yes – based on his handling of COVID as well as his other polices.
7, yes – I never wanted him in office.
55, no.
5, not sure.
3, other.
For fun, think about the differences or similarities for the 156 people who answered that the pandemic was overstated compared to the 403 who said it was not. We can sort that out.
The questions were originated by a group of people who remain anonymous so they are not accused of witchcraft or association with the overthrow of any school of science or government entity but were channeled through the independent mind of Edi Ersalesi Birsan at EdiBirsan@gmail.com.